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Showing posts from November, 2017

630 m WSPR rx

 2017-11-29 01:06   WA4SZE   0.475653   -28   0   EM65   0.2   PA0O   JO33hg   7147   41   2017-11-29 02:36   K4SV   0.475609   -26   0   EM85wf   5   PA0O   JO33hg   6869   43   2017-11-29 01:10   W1TAG   0.475784   -25   0   FN42ch   5   PA0O   JO33hg   5679   49   2017-11-29 01:06   AA1A   0.475681   -20   0   FN42pb   5   PA0O   JO33hg   5630   49 one of the better nights Timestamp Call MHz SNR Drift Grid Pwr Reporter RGrid km az  2017-11-29 03:06   WA4SZE   0.475653   -22   0   EM65...


CQWWCW is history rig: 4 el 10 15 1 ele 20/40  i-V 80m L- 160m Beverage oost / west K3 + ACOM1000 All CW weekend   een goede test voor de CW skils CW is still alive.. Late start mast  down  antenne reparatie 10-40  beam hi-SWR  bad joints. 10m DX closed  only ZS1C   gewerkt toen moet de mast omlaag.  This contest should have been in Oktober , start november 10m was super Toch mooie DX op de andere banden Het draait om multpliers  en vooral 3-punt QSO's  buiten  EU   binnen EU  slechts 1 punt. 1  multi was 3.2 QSO's waard zegt N1MM  1 punt QSO's  zeker Mogelijk een aantal 3 punters laten liggen door op SS 15m QRT te (moeten) zijn. Mogelijk ook multy's laten liggen op SR 80m ( zie FT8 mode XE ZP TI9  80m SR) DX telt , van mij mag nog wel meer DX bonificatie worden gebruikt. Zoals de punten telling in de Stew Perry DX  daar telt de ruwe Locator afst...

5W1SA 3570kHz hrd

a heard only morning  poor band conditions  but sudden DX sigs  popped up Samoa 063145 -21 -0.1 1945 ~ NE1B 5W1SA -17 063245 -21 0.2 1944 ~ NE1B 5W1SA -17 Alaska 071545 -20 0.0 2426 ~ NZ8V KL7QW R-13 071215 -6 -0.2 1553 ~ KM6MRS N5BCA EM12  8000kM 073030 -15 0.3 1199 ~ G0BLB NC6K 73 28MHz still gooing on Timestamp Call MHz SNR Drift Grid Pwr Reporter RGrid km az  2017-11-20 10:12   VK3KCX   28.126018   -12   -1   QF22qd   20   PA0O   JO33hg   16442   312   2017-11-20 08:12   VK3KCX   28.126020   -26   -1   QF22qd   20   PA0O   JO33hg   16442   312   2017-11-20 11:06   PA0O   28.126042   -16   0   JO33hg   10   VK3KCX   QF22qd  ...

Power-SDR Flex1500 WSJT-X - v2.8.0.57 2x

Now since using VbCable for the virtual audio connections P-SDR + WSJT v1.8 is working stable on the older X60 PC reducing CPU load using the information excellent   Keeping the P-SDR screen as small as possible reduced the CPU load to acceptable 60% P-SDR  and running 2 instances of WSJT-X  need a faster PC A "slow" PC  drops decodes when  Power SDR is running together with a second instance of WSJT-X CPU load is 80-100%  on Lenovo X60  2400T  1.83GHz On a faster Thinkpad W510 W7 i7 1.83G 4 /8 core CPU load 20% Using  VBCable VB-Audio VAC  and VspMgr Installing was quick but P-SDR -FLex1500 would not receive, the PAN window was empty. The Flex1500 was connected over USB-3  - CAT  worked okay. Switching to USB-2  finally P-SDR started to work  and WSJT-X was decoding FT8 and WSPR But the  PowerSDR screen is cut off  and  fields and controls are ove...

Power SDR v2.8.0.57 KE9NS

This P-SDR version offers a second live for my repaired Flex-1500 Not only it did not crash but first DX received after days since the Geo - storm I still had my band filter preamp in front  needed for 474kHz with the IC706  possible not needed. But it protects the F-1500  the repair was very expensive .. Timestamp Call MHz SNR Drift Grid Pwr Reporter RGrid km az  2017-11-13 01:40   W4BCX   0.475679   -28   0   EL98pd   5   PA0O   JO33hg   7368   41   2017-11-13 01:44   AA1A   0.475680   -25   0   FN42pb   5   PA0O   JO33hg   5630   49   2017-11-13 03:30   AA1A   0.475680   -27   0   FN42pb   5   PA0O   JO33hg   5630   49   2017-11-...

Radio Caroline 648kHz , Radio Bluebird 1638kHz

Radio Caroline  test uitzending op 648kHz De omroep wereld op MG en KG is totaal gedecimeerd maar nieuwe stations vullen de leegte. ca 1900 lokaal 9+40 op de Beverage west     zelfde frequentie een Pools station met Beverage oost... omschakelbaar Mijn Flex1500  is gerepareerd weer okĆ© Power SDR upgrade van V2.2.3 naar v2.8.0.57  van KE9NS testen of deze versie stabieler werkt over langere tijd.       FB site met interessante  tips voor W10 W7 Radio Bluebird Finsterwolde  9+30 Beverage oost.. 1636kHz   sprong naar 1638 verder zeer stabiel duidelijk synthesizer gestuurd synchronous AM 12k bandbreedte perfect geluid

WSJT-x multiple instance

I am testing with 2 instances  WSJT-x  latest version. Using N3IZN notes on This is simple using  2 shortcuts to WSJT-X   with  command line  option --rig-name=xxxx This command line option creates separate program environments with different configurations. 2 (or more)  rigs can be used simultane with WSJT-x  at the same PC A second instance of WSJT-x  for the 2nd Rig  and the logging is needed \ The shortcuts to WSJT-x  have to be modified to accomplish this. to add a second separate working instance for WSJT-x make a copy of the first shortcut to WSJT-x rename the shortcut to rig2       rig2  is the name you want to use for your rig r-click on this WSJT-x rig2 open properties change the target name to C:\WSJT\wsjtx\bin\wsjtx.exe --rig-name=rig2 ( 1 space between wsjtx.exe. and --rig-name=rig2    and rig-namem m...

digi rules

                                                         10m 15m 4el   back up   again                                                      after the aurora last night no T.A. decodes on  474.2kHz  the evening before 80m and 160m fb propagation      VK7DIK 80m wspr decoded Next   Call sign Worked Date/Time Band Mode Freq QSL Details PA0O CO3LT 2017-11-08 00:43:45 80M FT8 3.57344   Details PA0O NA2NY 2017-11-08 00:29:30 160M FT8 1.84092 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Details PA0O SQ6PLE 2017-11-08 00:28:00 160M FT8 1.84092   Details PA0O WA3GGM 2017-11-08 00:26:00 160M FT8 1.84092   Details PA0O K1CF 2017-11-08 00:24:00 160M FT8 1.84092...


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