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Showing posts from January 6, 2019

Super tropo 144MHz . Who or what is LQ0HGF ??

Yesterday very good tropo 144MHz  and 432 copied short time 144.174 MHz  FT8 mode EA1FCH and EA1TP  EA1 was only short and weak here in wind an rain ! I still have  8W out from the K3 XVTR  not yet finished the PA... Could make 2 way EI3KD and EI19RE both IO51   over 900km with 8W not so bad GW7SMW 2-way  heard     G7RAU IN79 900k+ OY6BEC was reported in EA1  little over 2000km ! and saw G7RAU working EA8 ! nothing here  we where a little to north ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mistery decodes   WSPR HF and MW LQ0HGF in RP22  fantasy call and locator.. i have seen LQ0HGF in RP22 many times reported at 474.2 kHz   it can not be explained as random noise caused decode I thought there are only 3 or 4 reporters of LQ0HGF at 474.2 kHz  DK7FC F59706   and  "KPH" they must have something in common But  the q...


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