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Showing posts from August 9, 2012

21 Juli 50MHz QSL received direct

Missed not all DX in 2012   these 2  6M cards  came direct last week. The one JA opening   I did catch at 50MHz .  FJ/W6JKV was the only SA  heard several evenings. And a lot USA worked.  all in all 5 continents worked. Had to miss 7O  6M  but got them on 9 HF bands. 4M   24 DXCC  worked.    Missed  TF   several openings   best DX  EA8BPX Worked with the  small but good  7ele 3 band  mini antenna. The 70MHz  XVTR  works nice and is running WSPR beacon mode 70.091most of the time when there is no opening or when not in the shack. With the same  group of om's,  strange that no moreWSPR 70MHz activity is seen. I had the impression that some ham's where so interested in propagation of this new band? Timestamp Call MHz SNR Drift Grid Pwr Reporter RGrid km az  2012-08-09 12:14   PA0O   70.092442  ...


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