56 QSO 6M including 10 70MHz of the RSGB 4m contest that crossed the CQWW VHF but the 10 4m contacts are not accepted for the CQWW The starting time 1800Z Saturday is late for EU But Saturday 6m was open late to EA CN CT so the late start did not cut the QSO number. Sunday 6m propagation was lost in the afternoon. 17x EA 2x EA8 1x EA9 4x CT 8x IT9 1 x CN8 EA EA8 CN8 CT IT9 mainly not many calls to work for us CN8KD was heard almost all the time Saturday and Sunday morning but PP1CZ sudden came in some time in evening to max 559 very good copy in CW the only PY heard here and best DX 50 CW 2015-07-18 1955 PA0O JO33 PP1CZ GG99 1
Ham radio in JO33hg31 53.15N 6.35E