Sunday AURORA 70MHz recording GM4ZUK/P Installed the latest WSJT-X V.1.8.rc1 beta version on a W7 32b DELL D420 notebook It crashed few seconds after start several times need to force stop with p.m. After rebooting PC it was ok with CAT to the K3 In between i started V1.6 again Frequency settings of V1.6 where lost and needed reset to default. these setting are removed by V1.8 and vice versa. Then i had the first FT8 mode contacts LX1JX groundwave dial 50.313 only ground wave with some MS enhanced scatter are possible in the present propagation dip. The frequency dial settings are depending to the selected region , 1 2 3 or all They are different to version 1.6 WSPR 50.293 JT65 50.276 Set to Region1 was USB 50.310 as default JT65 not 276 in the band selection list box there are 3 6m entries when r...
Ham radio in JO33hg31 53.15N 6.35E