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Showing posts from July 14, 2017

WSJT-X V1.8 first tests

Sunday AURORA 70MHz  recording GM4ZUK/P Installed the latest WSJT-X V.1.8.rc1 beta version on a W7 32b DELL D420 notebook It crashed few seconds  after start  several times  need to force stop with p.m. After rebooting PC it was ok with CAT to the K3 In between i started V1.6 again Frequency settings of  V1.6  where lost and needed reset to default. these setting are removed by V1.8  and vice versa. Then i had the first FT8 mode contacts  LX1JX groundwave dial 50.313 only ground wave with some MS enhanced scatter are possible in the present propagation dip. The frequency dial settings are depending to the selected  region  ,  1 2 3 or all They are different to   version 1.6        WSPR 50.293  JT65 50.276 Set to Region1  was  USB 50.310 as default JT65 not 276 in the band selection list box there are 3 6m entries when  regions "all"  is selected the first is the usual 50.276 80m WSPR no spots freq. must be

IC706 classic repair

IC706 classic  was damaged by high RF at 144 input I use this old but very good rig as 146-148  i.f for 1296MHz  XVTR Receiving Graves at 143.050  pings and scatter i forgot to disconnect the VHF antenna   ( 3 band 6,4,2) when transmitting at 6m with the 7 el just underneath so it became very quiet at 23 / 144.. 144-148 /VHF input circuit part with 3-PIN antenna switch  and MA862 band switch that switches between 2 input filters. TOP = 60-200 MHz  down is 144-148 bandpass preselection in front of the    uPC1658G  wide band preamp MA862  bandswitch fried by high 50MHz signal at 144 /VHF input SO239 replaced by 2 BA891 bandswitch diodes Ebay  above temporary jumper to select 144-148 band pass filter without the bandswitch diodes the IC706 does not switch to the VHF filter when tuning outside the 144-148 range  a solution without bandswitch But the burned out  MA862 protected the IC706 preamp against further serious damage So it is better to h


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