While in South Europe TEP at 6m and even 4m is possible since many months. We only have FSK441 in MS or tropo being too far from Equator. at 53N Contacts in FM at 70.450MHz with other 4m stations over 200km is possible regular there is some activity at 4m in FM The DK7ZB 3 band 2 4 6 meter antenna is performing very well but I have extended my HF 4 band dipole with a 6m 4 ele that outperforms the 2 ele of the 3 band VHF The 6m part of this 3 bander is now causing a problem The 4M preamp is blown up when transmitting 6M high power on the 4 element. To much power is coupled back into the other antenna. I replaced the 3 band VHF mini beam with a 4 ele mono band beam. But that one has high SWR since I copied the 12.5 Ohm design last year. Does receive well but transmitting is a bit a problem with the bad matching. A new 4 meter antenna is in construction and almost ready to fire up. A DK7ZB design 5ele 50Ohm Constructed as light as possible using square alu tub
Ham radio in JO33hg31 53.15N 6.35E