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Showing posts from July 17, 2015

4m is alive too!

First GM to 4X  one way     for  me the 2nd  time decoded by 4X1RF To be correct I was running 40W on 4M WSPR does not feature to set the power per band. What a good VHF propagation tool is this WSPR ! Needed a good setup, stable and accurate frequency  drifting < 5Hz /2minutes  and make sure to stay in the 200Hz window.  But that should not be a problem with a modern tranceiver. And most hams already have a PC connected to use oher digimodes RTTY BPSK FSK441 JT65 etc  so why not running  WSPR ? Why re-inventing the wheel by building a classical antique beacon  ?? WSPR is the ultimate propagation reporter  tool also for VHF that has been proven in VK and EU WG2XPN back on the air Published on 7 February 2015 by  Brian WA1ZMS The Experimental License for WG2XPN with one-way only beacon operations on 70.005 MHz with 3 kW ERPd from here in the US (QTH: FM07FM) has been renewed until May 1st of 2017. As such, it gives the  only  4 m North American beacon an chance to be

6m is alive again in NW-EU

From last Friday until Thursday 6m was dead as a dead Dodo. The  radio dx excitement had to come from WSPR low bands last week. Knowing that sometimes VP8ALJ could come on 160 or 80m And VK5MR report 80m has been reported in north Finland And trying to repeat a 70MHz decode by 4X1RF. Yesterday evening it was such evening when the 6m decodes became stronger but then WSPR was crashed by Google Chrome somtimes Chrome freezes the PC  also other browser can do that. Then WSPR would not run at 4m at the promising moment.. had to kill numerous chrome.exe *32 processes in the taskmanager to get the PC running again.  Not for the first time. again 6m open to 4X1RF  2015-07-17 06:42   G0OQK   50.294508   -20   0   IO91pp   1   4X1RF   KM72ls   3555   112   2015-07-17 06:28   PA4MSA   50.294460   -5   -1   JO22ge   5   4X1RF   KM72ls   3257   120   2015-07-17 07:38   PA4MSA   50.294459   -25   0   JO22ge   5   4X1RF   KM72ls   3257   120   2015-07-17 06:48   PA4MSA   50.294

6m DX returned

after 1 week  of totally no ES  some  6M DX WSPR  today  2015-07-16 18:52   PA0O   50.294471   -15   0   JO33hg   5   4X1RF   KM72ls   3201   124   2015-07-16 19:04   PA0O   50.294470   -22   0   JO33hg   5   4X1RF   KM72ls   3201   124   2015-07-16 19:16   PA0O   50.294470   -13   0   JO33hg   5   4X1RF   KM72ls   3201   124   2015-07-16 19:20   PA0O   50.294471   -12   -1   JO33hg   5   4X1RF   KM72ls   3201   124   2015-07-16 20:54   PA0O   50.294471   -9   0   JO33hg   5   4X1RF   KM72ls   3201   124   2015-07-16 18:32   OZ7IT   50.294496   -21   0   JO65df   5   4X1RF   KM72ls   3056   135   2015-07-16 20:50   F1VMV   50.294483   -21   0   JN24kh   0.5   4X1RF   KM72ls   2892   106   2015-07-16 12:02   CN8LI   50.294457   -6   0   IM63nx   5   OZ7IT   JO65df   2788   26   2015-07-16 19:30   DK8NE   50.294503   -24   0   JN59fw   10   4X1RF   KM72ls   2774   124   2015-07-16 19:42   DK8NE   50.294502   -24   0   JN59fw   10   4X1RF   KM72ls   2774   124   2015-07-16


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