This season my 2m station was ready for ES with some more power. Spectaculair ES openings but happening else where in EU to EA8 and even D41CV In my QTH at sea level it was a poor ES and tropo season. Except end of June 2m tropo to EA1 and 23cm heard EA2TM 1296855 SK1UHF ES0SHF beaconĀ“s We suffered unusual 3 heath waves. Temperature went up to 40C in PA no serious rain in months. Last week of August spent in EA6 Costa de la Calma JM19FM It is very beautiful in EA6 but my timing was not brilliant we left at the start of a 10 day heath wave, the third this year. And missed the EA8 ES 28 August opening to I guess only south PA... Warm also near Palma but Tuesday a morning heavy rainstorm and elsewhere in Spain heavy flooding's reported while in normally cool Groningen the temperature was up to 31 again But it went over without damage here and in afternoon back to 28-30C Took the U3S with me and a Wilson mobile magnet base ...
Ham radio in JO33hg31 53.15N 6.35E