TR4W TR4W (TR for Windows) is a free-ware program for operating in amateur radio contests. Program is based on source code of the TR LOG MS-DOS program, kindly provided by Larry Tyree, N6TR (author of TR LOG). The basic idea of the TR4W project is porting TR LOG code to the Windows environment. TR4W is written in pure Windows API (application programming interface) and designed to be as small and fast as possible. Size of the executable file is only 160 kB. At the same time, the program contains almost 40 windows and consists of more than 100,000 lines of code. The TR4W project was started in March 2006, by Dmitriy Gulyaev, UA4WLI. I am an N1MM logger user looooong time now. I used it at least back in 2003. In the DOS time used CT that has a lot in common with MM. TR4W is interesting designed to be small and fast. I tested TR4W about year ago several versions earlier. Now the the version is 4.243 + MMTTY The 4M VHF contest last Sund
Ham radio in JO33hg31 53.15N 6.35E