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Showing posts from October 30, 2011


total Q 273    including 20 and 15 some  40 80 1 W on 160m 28MHz  super propagation   KL7 KH7 via longpath, AH0 ZL VK etc etc WAZ  28MHz    completed  Sunday afternoon with zone 2 VE2IM KL7RA zone1  giant pileup hard to break,   good signal 59 over the pole.  Some other KL7 heard  and  again KH7 long path S9  QTF 160 Could complete  zone  1 2 19 40  39  5R8A  38 V51A  Sunday   WAZ 21Mhz and 14MHz  could also been possible in this weekend but 28MHz kept me busy enough already. Some 80m W big guns could be worked with Lowpower Sunday evening late.  W3LPL KC1XX W2PV  zone 5 was the only worked on 6 bands. My setup  K3 ACOM1000 3ele Steppir seems to be marginal in the CQWWSSB  world where every extra  kW does help. Calling CQ did not rase pileups. The bands overloaded...


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