28MHz last 7 day real good selected on distance top 100 all above 16000km DX index 100% 160 and 80 not a single decode >1000km the low bands are real low these times My 80m experiment wi t h the loop was no improvement. T he vertical is still bett er but not good enough it needs more distance from the mast. Will try a fishing rod . Heard 3B9SP very good last night on 80m n ot busy, no jamming but with th e vertical at only1m from the mast the radiation pattern is not good enough t o be heard. The 160m inverted-L is more effect ive . 1/4 wave is >> then the mast length and th e radiation is not disturbed 2012-10-17 08:04 PA0O 28.126171 -26 0 JO33hg 5 ZL3PX RE66hm 18519 49 2012-10-17 08:54...
Ham radio in JO33hg31 53.15N 6.35E