One night the screen was filled with close to 40 decodes of WD2XSH/17. Best signal decoded -9dB Until now WD2XSH/17 is the only USA experimental 500kHz station i have decoded. In January there was good copy of the VX9MRC cw beacon from Wireless Hill the historical radio location . This season the band conditions have not come close to that and we are top of season now... But I can decode WD2SXH/17 every night at least a few times. Sometimes only a faint trace without decoding i seem to have lost the capability to decode <28db on him. Now our experimental 500kHz year is comming to end and we will have to stop transmitting 31 december 23:59.. I was copied once by WD2XSH/17 with my 0.5W ERP approximately. That could have been better if i had a good tuning unit outside at the antenna base or inside by feeding the wire dir...
Ham radio in JO33hg31 53.15N 6.35E