The first FT8 contest Needs the latest WSJT-x rc5 PG7V contest agenda shows how to prepare. But i choose to install a separate instance of this rc5 version to keep the existent WSJT-x 1.9.1 unchanged Installed WSJT-x rc5 not default but to WSJT-xRC5 Then renamed copy of shortcut: WSJT-X_Roundup Change property target: Target: C:\WSJT\wsjtxRC5\bin\wsjtx.exe --rig-name=Roundup Start in: C:\WSJT\wsjtxRC5 A separate instance starts when clicking this shortcut all logfiles are virgin. wsjtxlog.adi is not created yet it will when the first FT8 QSO is logged This WSJT-x rc5 must be configured as a new install User , radio frequencies for RTTY I managed 132 QSO i heard a lot more then I could work screen full USA but even with extra power it was hard to be heard Nice experience This contest exchange uses real reports! 529 539 539 559 .... The maximum report i saw 589 not a single time 599 The whole contest takes only 2.7 kHz per band !!
Ham radio in JO33hg31 53.15N 6.35E