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Showing posts from January 5, 2013

630m wave 1 night unique decodes

QTX  15V 2A input   FLEX1500   my first transatlantic    W ith the tuner direct at the antenna much better then in 20 10 at 500kHz . Antenna is the inverted L having SWR 2:1 needs more top load   when tuning the HF antenna the loading is influenced a lot I can adjust the loading with my rotatable dipole... 58 spots:  unique decodes selected Timestamp Call MHz SNR Drift Grid Pwr Reporter RGrid km az  2013-01-05 04:04   WG2XJM   0.475681   -19   0   EN91wr   20   PA0O   JO33hg   6230   46   2013-01-05 02:58   PA0O   0.475789   -27   0   JO33hg   0.5   WG2XKA   FN33ir   5668   294   2013-01-05 01:36   PA0O   0.475789   -26   0   JO33hg   0.5   ...


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