After some weeks of promising 28MHz openings. All seems to be back to the start now. Just last Sunday morning showed VK7AB 11x ! decoding me and VK2KRR 1x decoded at 10meters. The week before and after almost no signals at all. Now i have my 7ele LFA yagi for 6M in the mast again. had to take down the 10/15/20/40 dipole to keep it easy. So I am back at 50MHz. The LFA did show high SWR though. Last year when I first had this beam it was a perfect match. Then end of season i took it down stored it in house. Could not tune the loop for a better match. Something is changed. 50MHz had some ES openings but i did not work anything yet. I had WSPR running on it. YO6DN was the best distance sofar. Now i can be QRV during working days... The WSPR activity is low however some decodes from F G I PA 80m is still good at Sunset yesterday VK7DIK 1x and tonight again around 19UTC 2011-05-26 18:56 PA0O 3.594170 -28 0 JO33hg 5 VK7DIK QE28sf 16731
Ham radio in JO33hg31 53.15N 6.35E