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Showing posts from October 15, 2011


After return from Konya Istanbul back home. WSPR was still running  10 80 160  band hopping shown that the low bands  160 80 are in a deep recession last week(s).  Almost no DX was reported. Most days/ night the max DX was  2000km on 80m  exception was VK6ZT 80m  and A45SWL on 160  K1JT and some east coast copies on the K9AY ( in the not optimal direction)   2011-10-14 22:10   PA0O   3.594163   -26   0   JO33hg   5   VK6ZT   OF78sq   13966   96 Propagation swapped to the high bands.  28MHz is wide open. Late night to W6 7 0 . Unseen propagation for long long years.  Managed to get in the log of T32C  17 and 20m in the late evening  Friday signals weak QTF  almost over the north-pole. Saturday lots of JA 28 RTTY  in the JARTS contest.  Had a short run but not much time for radio after being off home 1 1/2 week. Found out to late I used the dipole while I was turning the beam... did not help much..  I was a bit out of the routine.. Saturday 100 Q in the JARTS  had to do oth


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