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Showing posts from May 18, 2015

50MHz WSPR last week

Since 2 days 6m is dead as a dodo complete not even SM LA can work a thing afraid it is the end of the TEP/ES to Indian Ocean area Last night heard 50102 PY2XB  working OH1 and ES! again in the dead zone here ZP5CW was worked in SM6 DL and G again not a whisper of  the 2  ZP5's a QSL of long time ago in better times he just "popped  up"  in those days something could pop up here! but that seems to be history VK2ZMT  must be an decode overflow from 28MHz  it looks nice... Timestamp Call MHz SNR Drift Grid Pwr Reporter RGrid km az  2015-05-17 22:18   VK2ZMT   50.294542   -23   0   QF57ua   5   PA0O   JO33hg   16452   320   2015-05-16 09:02   PA0O   50.294477   -26   0   JO33hg   1   4X1RF   KM72ls   3201   124  ...


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