2017 is the breakthrough of 50MHz JT65 FT8 causing a huge 50MHz activity boost this could happen on 4m 2m and UHF too 50.276 MHz in the Morning open to Japan 09:07 -- 10:49 just after I went in the garden since band was very very quiet... rx left on in JT65 mode 50.276: JF3MYA JA3EGE JH3VJV JQ3DUE JH0RNN JH4UYB JA7QVI JA8QNF JM1SZY JE1BMJ JM1KNQ evening short open to USA fast mode FT8 12:17 K1TOL latest signal 12:43 WU1ITU K7BV FM04 N1BUG Guess next LOTW update allows mode FT8 QSO records upload. The fast 15 seconds digi mode is an alternative to the 2 minutes slow cycle of JT65 Found that this FT8 mode is working great with VHF UHF fluttery tropo signals FT8 need stronger signals to decode but it can use short strong openings. Although it is hard to find UHF HAMS using digimodes at f.i. 23cm most VHF / UHF hams seem to use hand keys and paper logs ?? TQSL accepts 51 modes but the latest FT8 is missing In LOTW
Ham radio in JO33hg31 53.15N 6.35E