Thunder storm nice spring weather temperatures 20C 80M still the West Beverage is in the field last night was not bad but missed sunset gray line due t-storm Timestamp Call MHz SNR Drift Grid Pwr Reporter RGrid km az 2017-05-14 04:02 K7ZT 3.594152 -17 0 EM10bn 5 PA0O JO33hg 8209 37 2017-05-14 03:22 KD5DFL 3.594082 -15 1 EM31sh 5 PA0O JO33hg 7825 39 2017-05-14 02:58 K2LYV 3.594099 -18 0 EL88rb 5 PA0O JO33hg ...
Ham radio in JO33hg31 53.15N 6.35E