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Showing posts from November 18, 2017

Power-SDR Flex1500 WSJT-X - v2.8.0.57 2x

Now since using VbCable for the virtual audio connections P-SDR + WSJT v1.8 is working stable on the older X60 PC reducing CPU load using the information excellent   Keeping the P-SDR screen as small as possible reduced the CPU load to acceptable 60% P-SDR  and running 2 instances of WSJT-X  need a faster PC A "slow" PC  drops decodes when  Power SDR is running together with a second instance of WSJT-X CPU load is 80-100%  on Lenovo X60  2400T  1.83GHz On a faster Thinkpad W510 W7 i7 1.83G 4 /8 core CPU load 20% Using  VBCable VB-Audio VAC  and VspMgr Installing was quick but P-SDR -FLex1500 would not receive, the PAN window was empty. The Flex1500 was connected over USB-3  - CAT  worked okay. Switching to USB-2  finally P-SDR started to work  and WSJT-X was decoding FT8 and WSPR But the  PowerSDR screen is cut off  and  fields and controls are overlapping. The  screen resolution dot/inch  setting 125% is fine for the PAN screen and m


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