A92HK 70.154MHZ cq +3 strong FT8 ....but i can't work DX on 4m ??? With 100W 5ele i was not heard dejavue, looks like 1k + is needed Or move to DL where 15W erp is good enough to be the first one in the pile's.. 2 years ago also A92GE i believe it was heard CQ good signal also no response So 1x in 2 years can hear A92 at 4m once with a good signal just to tease me then the signal fades out never to be heard again. The only DX possible > 4000km with Kazakhstan hams but they also have receiving problems.. I am o longer expecting to work DX here Since 29 may an old 9ele Tonna 2m in top 23m above soil should be enough to have Es contacts elevated 5dgr The antenna work was just finished when a huge ES opening happened 7X2RO 7X2HF(hrd only) 9H1TX IT9 EA7 5 6 Italy they where even workable in my location of course i had to be patient until no other call...
Ham radio in JO33hg31 53.15N 6.35E