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Showing posts from March 15, 2012


The 2nd Aurora since being QRV 4M  This one had better signals. New  was  OY9JD  55A    70.200  Sharing the frequency with ES1CW Arvo did  not copy me. One can not expect wonders with a 2 ele antenna. Heard   OH2FOUR 70.018  52A  ID copied fine 1rst time heard. But WSPR 70.091 seems to gain more interest seen some new calls until now    GW0EZY is ODX  675km    

Needing a SWR POWER meter for 70MHz

This SWR measuring device was resting in my junk-box for many many years. To complete my 70MHz XVTR with an internal SWR / Power meter I was planning to build a simple one. Then I remembered this very rugged device with two N-type connectors  unknown freq range. My Daiwa NS-660P cross needle supports remote sensor / SWR head over the DIN connector at the back.  Peak hold with external 9Vbattery or power adapter. High quality device  3 range 15 150 1500  It even worked at 500kHz. So I could connect it straight to the NS660  and could compare the readings  At 100W level almost same at lower levels the Daiwa is more sensitive. The junk-box type  uses a toroid current pick up  and 2 capacitive  Voltage coupling. But reversing the bridge in-line did not reverse the reading. I was expecting to see the same power level as reflected but  it showed some reading at both needles. One N-port is marked  "...


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