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Showing posts from May 9, 2012

7O6T 30M and AURORA=good low band DX?

Took some days before it was in the online log and  I  thought to have worked a slim because of chaos by lids. Smart operating of the 7O6T team t hey moved a bit around their QRG to avoid jammers. Nice trick you have to tune around to find them back and make a sneaky QSO. I was noticed first by a cluster spot must admit. But do not spot them to brag  saying thanks  that will only help the jammers. That is a drawback of the Reverse beacons they spot the new QRG direct after QSY. 20120506 2203  10104,4 CW   PA0O         599  7O6T            599                   Tonight again  7004kHz good copy and the same trick moving off the jammers  it was my last band.  Not easy needed lots of calls.   9 bands complete in CW now for a DX-pedition  at a relative easy distance  it was not easy because of the QRI and the constant ...


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