The general problem with Dx-peditions like 3D2C There is only 1 dx mostly weak but there are many idiots around just waiting for such event. Like tonight at 40m no clear frequency longer then a few seconds before the next QRI starts 3d2c 40m zoo A very weak signal that can easily be jammed from somewhere in EU? were those lids hide. And always around prime time sunset the xyl has plans to go somewhere. Since I already spent so much time in the shack this is not unreasonable but the end effect is I wasted my radio time. Like this weekend spend quite a lot time in the CQWWRTTY 305 QSO mostly S&P 10meters Best propagation was on Saturday 10m was real good. Sunday was not as good bands ended early in Major storm conditions all signals sounded auroral. Some difficult QSO's I had using K3 100W "low power" and dipole should have been with the Steppir of course. The log filled with DX mostly 10m lot of JA. Some pileups where too tough
Ham radio in JO33hg31 53.15N 6.35E