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Showing posts from February, 2021

FB tropo first good tropo 2021 (hope in the contest weekend same ...;-) and "my" 23cm Beacons overview

The beacons i can hear / detect in JO33HG  in flat propagation at 1296MHz   OZ7IGY   1296.930 very weak copy  when not in PI mode.. DB0VC  xx.920 JO54if 100% in almost all conditions DB0XY  x.912 JO51EU  100% one of the stronger DB0GW  x.951  JO31jk  Munster always detected seems improved   specific frequency zig-zag below   ON0VHF 100%  PI6ASD x. 639 Amsterdam linear transponder 70cm in beacon mostly heard PI7ALK  x.918  S5 normal back after few moths of  renovation fb! GB3MHZ  x.830 100% copy  DB0LTG   x.7435 100% DB0MOT    detectable after some time.. PE9GHZ/B   1296.815 JO11MW  in/out   my 3cm  beacon at  10368.904 MHZ is still 24x7 on air pse spot it! above my DF9IC 23cm PA build some time ago, i tested it but unfortunately no output  I guess this project is the end of my home brew  attempts f.t.t.b...   Tonight Monday very good tropo  Beacons heard: SR1KOL  SR3HLY JO82LJ DB0UB JO62KK LA1UHG LB2SHF SKMHI SK6UHI OK0EKL  DX worked:  SP4MPB KO01  CW    SP5XMU  KO02 965km   205030 -18

WSPR bogus decodes 2019 are stil present in 2021 LQ0HGF 14MDA

 last 2 weeks check on LQ0HGF and 14MDA possible there are more "calls" like this those implausible decodes are multiple decoded over a long period of time 2018 until now their locations always end in the middle of nowhere No stratospheric balloons since the locator is not changing my guess, this is a software issue  TimestampCallMHzSNRDriftGridPwrReporterRGridkmazMode# Spots 2021-02-04 20:06  LQ0HGF  5.288599  -8  0  RP22  200  EA8BFK  IL38bo  9887  359  2  1  2021-02-07 07:44  LQ0HGF  5.288756  -19  0  RP22  200  DK8FT  JN58oe  7492  341  2  1  2021-02-03 15:32  LQ0HGF  0.475739  -21  0  RP22  200  DL0AO  JN59vk  7347  341  2  40  2021-02-07 19:16  LQ0HGF  7.040099  -17  0  RP22  200  G8LCO  IO91vu  7235  350  2  1  2021-02-08 12:08  LQ0HGF  18.106201  -18  0  RP22  200  DM3FML  JO60ux  7148  340  2  1  2021-02-17 06:20  LQ0HGF  5.288589  -26  0  RP22  200  DL0HT  JO43jb  6999  344  2  1  2021-02-03 18:54  LQ0HGF  14.097021  -12  0  RP22  200  SP7WT  JO91  6996  337  2  36 

PACC contest 2021

Our National PACC HF Contest weekend,  while the halve nation was out on the ice.                   Aa canal in city Groningen.   seen from my former QTH where i was active as PA0OOS   from 1972 in those day's we had cold winters but no-one was ice skating there 40m linear loaded/ foldback dipole  PACC our national HF contest 24 hours February 13/14 is history. After some doubts  i choose the A1 section CW  100W power  Rather cold even in the shack at night i had to use an electric heather .. During the quiet periods thoughts came up saying it makes no sense energy wise , switch off the heather and on the PA.. but i did not.  Again top activity in CW many long time PACC friends seen on the bands thanks for giving out points. just a serial number and the obligatory 599 will do. A pity that no easy  28 MHz local DL OZ ON G could be logged that could have made the difference between first or second  position.  Also zero SA CW activity no PY LU in the log,  propagation was good enough.


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