It cycles up and down the 28MHz props last week(s) v ery poor. C omplete absent propagation in last Oceania CW week end . B ut some USA decodes showed up these last days. Always a good sign for 28 MHz. Today we got the maximum DX possible PA <-> ZL Only thing that could make it an even better day is longpath to VK later tonight. I have learned that EA CT I not only have bett er and longer propagation but also the DX is better >19000 km ZL<> CT EA8 to W6 is a greater distance then from here to W6 I would not have known this but WSPR showe d this. 2012-10-17 18:28 EA8FF 28.126101 -4 0 IL18pc 2 KO6SY DM13 9191 304 2012-10-17 18:58 N6RY 28.126066 -20 1 DM13id 5 PA0...
Ham radio in JO33hg31 53.15N 6.35E