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Showing posts from January 16, 2019


Looking for a digital storage oscilloscope Saw the HANTEK DSO05102P at Banggood  with good review 100MHz  or as some review said factory unlocked 2nS  212ā‚¬ free shipping ! it arrived in about one week from China very quick. Some reviews showed a damaged package  missing parts It is always a bit of a gamble how it will arrive. My package was bounced but wrapped in plastic no lost parts. No import fee this time also a bit of a gamble. Power on, display came up it seemed okay . But the 1kHz 5V test signal  did not display for both channels Just a straight line with quantification noise and some spikes when turning the V/dev knobs Had email exchange after a few days problem solved. A loose ribbon connection due to transport ? the pre-amp had no 5V supply. Sending back is no option and there is no EU agent as far as I know Hantek treated me generous with a refund to compensate repair costs. But repairing equipment in The Netherlands/EU the official ...


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