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Showing posts from February 4, 2017

Bogus decodes WSPR 474

ZF1EJ  alweer  nu 3 x  gedecodeerd vroeg in de morgen nu "SA" baken uit richting oost   het SP "BIA" is weg 630m 474.2kHz WSPR  does show remarkable more bogus decodes  compared to other band. While just the low frequencies should  offer the best quality signals for WSPR decoding. I have rarely false decodes on 474.2 kHz But the reception on the Beverage  has very low noise it very quiet as long as the house noise sources are switched off. F.i. the Lenovo 125W 19.5V power adapter that is EMC quiet  does make QRN like RFI at 474.2 a screen full of bogus decodes this night did not look good at all 160 and 80m very poor  but again the 2nd part of the night night offers the best propagation  again ZF1EJ ODX   even 3 decodes also the Beverage's  only seem to work well at 630m Will change the 1:9 transformer tomorrow 2017-02-04 06:06   ZF1EJ   0.475799   -29   0...


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