Early morning 5.35700 MHz JT65 long path 3D2AG heard CQ! 3D2AG Fiji Antoine is very active at 60m and consequent present for EU at gray line peak local 07- 08h A few mornings no copy here, but this morning propagation was real good for a change and decoded -18 3D2GA CQ several times. Yesterday 1 decode for a start , my antenna the inverted V dipole top @ 20m was not as good as thought. Tuesday we had 26C "tropical" day and night possible the last real warm day this year now 7 am the expected rain arrived no t-storms and we need water but not as much as Texas has please.. JT65 is the best mode the signal of 3D2AG would be too weak in FT8 i think also JT65 QSO with XE1H copied for first time Like WSPR -map , https://pskreporter.info/pskmap.html shows path and calculates DX over daylight zone. According to realtime DX maps I never have long path propagation I have seen 10m long path drawn over the night side of the globe and 160m
Ham radio in JO33hg31 53.15N 6.35E