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Showing posts from July 2, 2011

The KST chatbox effect . Wishfull calling.

Listening at 50.090  4S7AB  was worked in 9H SV   Never heard a ping of him. Only heard Jose EA7KW exchange 519  and few others in the deep south of EU positioned more Africa then EU in fact. But some PA om's seemed to hear him well ;-)  Every once and a while like timer controlled I heard  calls  I doubt they ever heard the 4S7 Many weak scatter signals heard calling but not the om himself. Must be the KST  effect  .  Just give your call  and when hearing something like a report its a bingo! A91GE  cw  a real signal  and  A45XR in RTTY S9 No trace of  BA4SI or XV1X  shure  it's weekend ;-)

6M found open to Balkan and later SA

First easy to work   20110701 2005  50086,6 CW   PA0O         559  PJ2BVU          559                     20110701 2011  50097,0 CW   PA0O         599  PJ2/DJ9ON       599                       2 hours later 20110701 2253  50100,0 CW   PA0O         599  PV8ADI          599         fj92        20110701 2300  50110,0 USB  PA0O          59  PV8ABC...


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