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Showing posts from July 27, 2019

24 July 144MHz world record

24 July  a special ES day A new world record was set:  144 MHz   D41CV  with DK5AI  4964km !!!  the magic WW square JO50 where all DX signals seem to land  144.174 FT8 EA8DBM was worked more south in PA   his signal stopped at JO22 JO32 absolute spectaculair DX TF3HP  reported   EA8DBM    144174 MHz!!!!!! This year 144 ES  in my QTH was  disappointing sofar I had my home build 200W PA ready but hardly used. DX spots seen on the cluster never landed here it was mostly south as usual Just 1   144.300 ES  QSO  with IS0OZK    FT8 only EA1 SV1 heard 144.300 SV8PEX in QSO  max s4 German speaking relaxed talking then faded My 144 best  tropo was  EA1MX  this time in FT8 1296MHz there we had good propagation but during working day's best DX  1227km with Guy in USB and CW very close to EA border 20190629 09131296129.3 CW   PA0O         599  F2CT            559 Guy     in93gj    In the same square heard  Spanisch beacon EA2TZ 1296.855 1280km heard weak 2 mornings a


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