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Showing posts from 2014

Stew Perry 160m DX challenge December 2014 en 70MHz XVTR test

147 Q  716 points 15x W  3x VE   best DX was 22 points best  signals from EM main grid. P4/DL6RAI FK42  one of the best (few) DX signals  but total deaf for EU calls. Very weak TA signals absolute the poorest propagation ever during a SP here. Never happened before  not one RBN  spot in W. Now a Beverage 450m in direction West high expectations of it. The first RX tests at 630m looked very promising. G's  from West came in 6-10dB stronger compared to the TX vertical. But something must have changed since I could not reproduce that first good results. In the SP the Beverage was not better then the K9AY So I have to check in the field. Stew Perry  Alleen de nacht van zaterdag op zondag meegedaan Ivm TVI  op de  KPN Motorola 1863 kabeltuner. 160m zeer matig deze keer zwakke signalen uit W 15x en VE 3x De Beverage richting west viel ook niet mee de K9AY won het. 4M   70MHz 70MHz  XVTR weer aangesloten op de oude FT102  met FM module. De preamp met BF900 leek

SONY NXP FM super tuner hot on EBAY

XDR  S3HD De hele tuner bestaat uit een paar simpele filtertjes. De 2 NXP ( PHILIPS)  chips bepalen de eigenschappen. and inside you'll find the NXP TEF6730/SAF7730 radio chipset and several adjustments. The HD module contains an SAF3550 processor and a 16MB SDRAM. een zeer goede review hier The XDR-F1HD uses advanced digital signal processing algorithms to dramatically improve reception of FM signals corrupted by noise and interference. Threshold extension  suppresses the impulse noise ordinary FM detectors generate for weak signals. The obtrusive character of this noise quickly degrades reception quality as the signal level falls below a threshold. The impulses arise from detection-vector phase reversal due to additive noise peaks. High-performance satellite and terrestrial microwave FM links have long used various threshold extension techniques to enhance performance. Tracking filter detectors that may exten

weak signal top list

the weakest decodes top list  WSPR V2.21  last 12 hours Timestamp Call MHz SNR Drift Grid Pwr Reporter RGrid km az  2014-12-24 10:32   G3ZJO   0.475783   -33   0   IO92ng   0.01   PA0O   JO33hg   516   75   2014-12-24 08:02   G3ZJO   0.475783   -33   0   IO92ng   0.01   PA0O   JO33hg   516   75   2014-12-24 09:42   G3ZJO   0.475783   -33   0   IO92ng   0.01   PA0O   JO33hg   516   75   2014-12-24 07:52   G3ZJO   0.475783   -32   0   IO92ng   0.01   PA0O   JO33hg   516   75   2014-12-24 11:22   G3ZJO   0.475783   -32   0   IO92ng   0.01   PA0O   JO33hg   516   75   2014-12-24 06:42   G3ZJO   0.475783   -32   0   IO92ng   0.01   PA0O   JO33hg   516   75   2014-12-24 02:12   G3ZJO   0.475783   -32   0   IO92ng   0.01   PA0O   JO33hg   516   75   2014-12-24 09:32   G3ZJO   0.475783   -32   0   IO92ng   0.01   PA0O   JO33hg   516   75   2014-12-24 08:42   G3ZJO   0.475783   -32   0   IO92ng   0.01   PA0O   JO33hg   516   75   2014-12-24 08:12   G3ZJO   0.475783   -32   0   IO

630M CW recordings

DK7FC     CW  test  579 DL6TY  Gerd  472.3 kHz  559   on vertical TX antenna  weaker on loop I2BBJ  Italo JN55AM    472.63 kHz 599 / 549 dk7fc_630.wav DL6TY I2BBJ qso I2BBJ CQ N1MM+  ( en ook de clasic N1MM)    wil helaas niet verbindingen op 473kHz loggen ook niet met force logging  ctrl alt enter after force logging CTRL + ALT + ENTER   you can enter a remark window but then logging is not possible  

Stormy week

Even the inverted L was broken from the tree and the top-load was fluttering in the wind  had to stop 630m TX-ing we where lucky last weekend in the ARRL10  it was a 2 day break in only storm and rain   Rx antenna K9AY  big shower in north approaching 28M  still wide open flux over 200 WSPR page 28MHz >18000km  Lage der Aa Groningen  het oude QTH  vanmiddag 60m SWL  WSPR   2014-12-19 18:00   ZS5KAD   5.288731   -17   0   KG50mb   5   PA0O   JO33hg   9549   346   2014-12-19 17:58   ZS6KTS   5.288652   -23   0   KG43cw   5   PA0O   JO33hg   9065   347   2014-12-19 18:00   ZS6SRL   5.288739   -14   0   KG33wv   10   PA0O   JO33hg   9062   347

475kHz WSPR

Still  best DX  in Europe  no transatlantic decodes yet many EU hams  active 630m few SWL reports  please more  SWL  in WSPR  ! last 2 weeks 200 unique decodes    showing my 475kHz WSPR landscape Timestamp Call MHz SNR Drift Grid Pwr Reporter RGrid km az  2014-12-04 23:22   PA0O   0.475624   -29   0   JO33hg   0.2   SV8RV   KM07ks   2042   142   2014-12-04 21:00   PA0O   0.475620   -29   0   JO33hg   0.2   SV8CS   KM07jr   2042   142   2014-12-04 19:40   SV3DVO   0.475742   -30   0   KM08uf   0.005   PA0O   JO33hg   2032   330   2014-12-04 21:00   PA0O   0.475621   -28   0   JO33hg   0.2   IZ7PDX   JN80ps   1604   146   2014-12-10 22:06   PA0O   0.475619   -28   0   JO33hg   0.5   IQ7GC/7   JN80nv   1585   146   2014-12-04 11:24   PA0O   0.475622   -29   0   JO33hg   0.2   OH6JKN   KP22xk   1521   40   2014-12-04 15:24   PA0O   0.475619   -13   0   JO33hg   0.2   OH3LMN   KP11wm   1374   41   2014-12-05 14:50   PA0O   0.475625   -21   0   JO33hg   0.2   ES5AM   KO38


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