D64K sometimes just Q5 50115 USB in JO33hg many many Italians calling lot of splatter on D64K by some very broad Italian signals. No chance here for D64K with this weak signal in phone. 5H3EE better signal 50.096 CW 539 real working up but most south EU no chance behind the S-EU wall tonight. http://www.qsl.net/pa0oos/recall/5h3ee.mp3 D64K never peaked it stayed a ghosty TEP signal no change for non Italians tonight. BTW did anyone see PerseĆÆdes meteorites ? I wached several clear nights Yesterday I saw 2 in about 15minutes time. I think the PerseĆÆds shower must have dried out. I have not seen extra meteorites in this August period for several years now. N1MM logger recently got unstable and loses the CAT connection with the K3 I do not know why must be W7 in combination with the USB...
Ham radio in JO33hg31 53.15N 6.35E