The low-band receive loop antenna is flatted due to s torm and tree felling work around. Radio life without this extra receiving antenna is a lot less interesting. No more receiving of the 600m USA WSPR stations. And on top-band it is missed much. It is only a light 10m Alu+fiber pole but in the high wind i can not erect it by myself. I got used to the receive loop a simple switch to select N-E or N-W the f/b is 10dB or more according to the WSPR snr figures, another very useful aspect of WSPR to measure your antenna f/b Working VP8ORK on 40m was easier using the loop in SW direction. Strange but VP8ORK was a better copy on the loop then on the trap dipole for 7MHz. On the TX vertical I could not get a clear reception of T88ZM on 160 only at max QSB it was a good Q5 but fast QSB makes TX timing troublesome You don't know if y...
Ham radio in JO33hg31 53.15N 6.35E