Monday 28 quite good with 12 VK's active. 28MHz Outside EU/USA/VK the WSPR world is very empty 2 Africa 1 South America 4 Asia.. Yes ... just after the weekend Monday morning the expected improvement of propagation is there. But with WSPR there is no difference to Saturday or Monday morning this radio mode tricks out the god of propagation... I remember the Magic band also came alive after the weekend or short before.. I bit logic because the weekend still is shorter helas. 5/7 x100% more chance that anything interesting happens during the work week. 160m is very poor. Last 24 hours no EU report >1000km! T30RH will be extreme difficult to catch at 160 for me. (us here) The days get longer for the first time i came home in daylight. .. just when i wrote this i saw VK6ZT reporting G F and me too.. 2011-03-07 22:04 PA0O 1.838044 -22 0 JO33hg 5 VK6ZT OF78sq 13966 so there is more live on 160 then i thought Possibly
Ham radio in JO33hg31 53.15N 6.35E