My Notepad W7 DELL420 clock was slowly drifting out of sync second by second and WSPR 50MHz did not decode anymore. I use Symmtime, this program reported to synchronise the PC clock to the selected timeserver at the given interval 15minutes. But I was running 6 seconds behind. forcing synchronise did not chance the PC clock. I had windows internet time unchecked because Symmtime or Dimension 4 would take over that job?? Both did not! Dimension 4 did even report the how much the PC clock was adjusted + or - seconds nice. But In real nothing was adjusted. Must have something to do with access right again. I did install not in the restricted programs directory but in my own C:\ham\ and as administrator did not seem to cure it. I did re-check Windows: synchronise with an internet time server again. Clicked sync now and instantly the PC clock was adjusted. Then I modified the default time update interval of the Windows clock to 1000sec (decimal) and removed th
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