WAESSB Sunday on 10m only. hard to work 25 Q thats the minimum QSO count needed score 1 point for our district competition. Only outside EU QSO's count. I was running low power and a dipole. Poor signals mostly S.A. Later in the afternoon 24 QSO S&P needed 1 more for a point but signals seemed to fade. WD4Z t he only N-A weak heard . But when returned after dinner surprise! some strong Stateside signals on the band suddenly. KD4D K1LZ 9+10 ! 28470 PH 2012-09-09 1654 PA0O 59 0025 KD4D 59 2191 28411 PH 2012-09-09 1700 PA0O 59 0026 K1LZ 59 1819 28482 PH 2012-09-09 1717 PA0O 59 0027 VY2ZM 59 2224 then had to QRT a good sign Stateside signals on 10M SH5 can handle the 25QSO easy.. WSPR DX top list of last week Timestamp Call MHz SNR Drift Grid Pwr Reporter RGrid km az 2012-09-06 06:18 VK7AM 28.126079 -30 -1 QE36ov 5 PA0O JO33hg 16929 305 2012-09-06 06:34 VK7AM 28.126078 -25 -1
Ham radio in JO33hg31 53.15N 6.35E