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Showing posts from April, 2020

wspr 1 week 80m result

over 7 days remarkable number of ZL decodes. Most in the evening N-E greyline path but also in the morning over South America path .  Although for both paths the same DX is calculated .. 50 spots: Timestamp Call MHz SNR Drift Grid Pwr Reporter RGrid km az # Spots  2020-04-25 18:22   PA0O   3.570169   -20   0   JO33hg   20   ZL2BCI   RE79nd   18387   37   18   2020-04-26 04:54   PA0O   3.570170   -24   0   JO33hg   5   ZL2005SWL   RE68mx   18315   42   10   2020-04-28 19:00   PA0O   3.570171   -27   0   JO33hg   5   ZL1AVO   RF73fd   17961   32   1   2020-04-24 17:34   PA0O   3.570169   -16   0   JO33hg   5   VK2EFM   QF56oq   16450   66   15   2020-04-27 18:22   PA0O   3.570174   -25   0   JO33hg   10   VK2EBN   QF57ub   16448   65   1   2020-04-24 18:02   PA0O   3.570173   -21   0   JO33hg   5   VK5MR   PF94gw   15784   81   10   2020-04-24 17:46   PA0O   3.570170   -18   0   JO33hg   5   VK5PJ   PF95mk   15778   80   7   2020-04-28 19:22   CP5XHZ   3.569998   -26   0   

N1MM Spectrum display with Hackrf1

N1MM does offer a Spectrum Display  that can display a panoramic view some  newer radio's support band data from the first broad m.f.  like the IC7300 Radios that connect to the PC using USB or WAN can offer a data stream to N1MM Spectrum Display so older types need an other solution. My K3 is connected with rs232 for CAT for low speed serial data  like frequency mode T/R CW keying  The Hackrf1 i recently got can be used  if your K3  has the Xverter I/O option. Hrf1 should already be working okay with SDR-console or SDR# before trying to connect with N1MM Spectrum Display Download ExtIO_HackRF.DLL This ExtIO_HackRF.dll   must be copied to the N1MM  program directory.    C:\Program Files (x86)\N1MM Logger+ Connect the  Hackrf1 with the IF out. Hrf1 USB should be pluged in , no other  SDR program must be running with it. Start N1MM like used to  then open window Spectrum Display In my case the N1MM Spectrum display auto


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