Received 2 very small DC-DC converters from China. How is it possible 1€ free shipping from China? Decided to break open the "accu eliminator" I payed 15€ local prize loosing warranty but this type adapter does not work. From China 5€ for the cartridge and power cord and 1 € for the dc-dc regulator still is a bargain The plastic case had to be forced open with a knife Inside as expected a linear regulator with a 7808 A much too small heath sink for 6W heath loss and thermal protection trips after a minute with a UV5R. I did not hear about problems with this adapter? must have been first one sold? The dc-dc converters need minimum 470uF elco on the output to filter switching ripple I did not have a suitable 9V suppressor TVS diode for over voltage protection. like a Unipolar Transient Voltage Suppressor Diode 5kW Break Down: 8,33V...10,2V 5mA Max Clamping: 14,3V 350A DO204 10+€ 0,30 5KP7.5C but crazy 7.5€ shippi
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