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Showing posts from December 7, 2011

KH2/N2NL 160m

KH2/N2NL   Nice propagation also to JA   in a storm noisy shack. Glad I had the 7ele beam windcatcher removed yesterday night.. And the first time this season  decoded VK7DIK at 80m  2011-12-07 18:40   VK7DIK   3.594044   -16   0   QE28sf   5   PA0O   JO33hg   16731   307   2011-12-07 18:44   PA0O   3.594151   -15   0   JO33hg   5   VK7DIK   QE28sf   16731   84  KH2/N2NL recorded  by Lutz,DM2LB Danke dir Lutz    das war das 2e QSO mit Dave dieses Jahr..( da waren kein andere anruffe an dem Moment)

BA7IO 160m

BA7IO Vange 160m    Nice signal tonight  1822kHz up1 Tonight I removed the 50MHz yagi again. I wanted to see if any DX would slip through to the north  but it did not. The weather forecast is only storm and rain. Many decodes 6M WSPR of OZ7IT  PA0TBR M1DUD every day but noone else QRV at reasonable distance. No UA9 SWL  or any other Rusian at 6m  unfortunately.  summary   6M WSPR last 2 weeks    the first one is an Freudian misdecode..  2011-12-07 11:10   PA0O   50.294415   -17   -1   JO33hg   0.5   VK5ZRL   PF95gc   15771   81   2011-12-02 20:36   G6AVK   50.294416   -26   -1   JO01ho   5   PA0O   JO33hg   447   63   2011-12-04 09:38   OZ7IT   50.294482   -7   -1   JO65df   200   PA0O   JO33hg   428   242   2011-12-05 16:14   PA0O   50.294467   -23   -4   JO33hg   5   DF0ZDF   JN49cx   382   163   2011-11-30 13:44   M1DUD   50.294471   -11   0   JO02qc   2   PA0O   JO33hg   377   68   2011-11-30 22:32   PA0O   50.294514   -18   0   JO33hg   5   M1DUD   JO02qc   377 


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