3cm beacon succes : It was great to hear your beacon on 10368.9047 today from my /P site at io76xa61ab at 750km using an 85cm dish - It was the first PA beacon I have heard from there and the only one today - not even DB0GHZ was audible - so, thank you for putting it on! Very useful indeed! Wav file attached. 73 Alan GM0USI/P 3cm PA0O/B heard since start: Beacon info: 200mW 10368.905 trough some semi rigid into a horn broad antenna at 22m ag https://www.beaconspot.uk/beaconc.php?beaconcall=PA0O https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=A284E891405B21F7&id=A284E891405B21F7%211577&parId=root&o=OneUp Very strong 23cm signals from G 9+60 some 1296.174 psk reports exclusive FT8 144.174 beacons heard 23cm besides the "normal" dx 1296905 gb3ngi io65vb<tr>jo33hg s9+ dx 1296985 gb3csb L s5 dx 1296890 gb3dun io91sv<tr>jo33hg s9 dx 1296960 sr1kol jo74se<tr>jo33hg s6 max dx 1296859.3 la1uhg 9+10 lb2shf 9+20
Ham radio in JO33hg31 53.15N 6.35E