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Showing posts from December 14, 2020

ARRL 10m contest December 2020

Mode CW  N1MM K3 ACOM1000  3ele Steppir 18m a.g. SFI was 82,  some days ago  it dropped down from 105 with good openings to VK almost daily (FT8) The ARRL10m ,one of my favorites in pre JT years . How would it be now  did JT  kill ham radio ? I think the answer is no, CW is still alive    Surprisingly also DX was possible in CW at peak times The goodies: VK6WX   4D3X (=DU)  E25KAE E29TGW (=HS)  V51YJ ZD7BG L33M LU8MHL LW1D LW5HR XQ3WD CE2ML PT3T  ZF5T KP2M  K1MM  & other FLA here in JO33HG only weak Florida calls heard Remarkable: not a single EA not even EA8  heard  some runs to EU East-EU  and S&P for the few  Asian's in the band.  no SV just one Italian but plenty UR YO LZ LY YL DL OK OM HA    Today Monday morning  in FT8 a lot of EU calls    and VK8AW on the sc...


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