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Showing posts from January 24, 2015

CQ160 CW experience

final result   CQ160CW lowpower After CQ160  contest   at 80M RI1ANT at 3510 very weak CW had mni WSPR decodes at 80 from the Rusian Antarctic base. EP6T 3503kHz  real! 599 but like most DXpeditions  hopeless to get trough low QSO rate many callers as if they have S9 QRM Dxpeditions better restrict TX power to 100W to get TX/RX  in balance thats what I think then. CQ160CW : Sunday early evening some more JA's heard  in QSO with Rusian hams. Sunday early morning  04 local propagation  better then expected. Nice DX workable with 100W    ( drops to 80W sometimes ) ZF2DX  real strong  said up but worked simplex zf2dx_160.mp3 audio level overdriven   can not be adjusted ?  to high or to low same audio card has normal level for digimodes. Seems okay now after uninstalling WSJT10   WSJT7 did decode again for some unknown reason it did not decode FSK441 bursts from SP9HWY at 70.230 MHz WSJT10 ha...


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