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Showing posts from September 27, 2016


Could only join  for a few hours  the CQWWRTTY  last weekend DX was possible CE3CT  40m strong  XE2CQ 40m   (heard only  could not copy me or other EU callers ) VK3JA 40m    several JA at 21 MHz A very strange issue with the K3 in RTTY at 15m   the tx switched out / on   in a  slow sequence  after some cq  calling a relay starts to click in a slow 1-2 second sequence  and the RF does interrupt to  complete zero. The TX  led is on as normal.  And first off/on off/on and then  stays at  zero out. No error message. no RFI effect observed . This is only in RTTY and only 21MHz It happend before only RTTY at 15m It is not that the CAT RTS drops i monitored that  then the TX would go off as well. it is an internal K3  issue since a relay click is heard at the moment the TX output is gone. strange things  happen sometimes Finally i tried to make a video clip...


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