Found 50MHz closed in the morning. I have the relative heavy 9m long 7ele LFA back at 22 M ag Now I can make a direct compare On LX0SIX 50.02165 : The Steppir 4ele included the extra 6meter director At about 16Mm a.g. and 60m coax cable And the 7 ele 9m boom at 22m ag 30m H2000 Yes there is a clear audio difference in favour for the 7ele But I would expect S units difference? 1 S-unit only I think Or the STEPPIR is super or this LFA is doing not much It is time to make a small good designed 6m/4m Una .. And forget about this dragon... This pictures made Saturday when I first could see the results of last night. The white line 160m inv-L is kept free from the boom by the spreader wires this way I can rotate the 6M yagi without detuning / sparks The JIDX some JA's with good signals I guess only the big guns this time. Few weeks ago one could work JA in FM 10W.. PABEKER-CW 33 QSO toen maar aan de koffie en gestopt er kwam niemand meer retour
Ham radio in JO33hg31 53.15N 6.35E