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Showing posts from November 10, 2017

WSJT-x multiple instance

I am testing with 2 instances  WSJT-x  latest version. Using N3IZN notes on This is simple using  2 shortcuts to WSJT-X   with  command line  option --rig-name=xxxx This command line option creates separate program environments with different configurations. 2 (or more)  rigs can be used simultane with WSJT-x  at the same PC A second instance of WSJT-x  for the 2nd Rig  and the logging is needed \ The shortcuts to WSJT-x  have to be modified to accomplish this. to add a second separate working instance for WSJT-x make a copy of the first shortcut to WSJT-x rename the shortcut to rig2       rig2  is the name you want to use for your rig r-click on this WSJT-x rig2 open properties change the target name to C:\WSJT\wsjtx\bin\wsjtx.exe --rig-name=rig2 ( 1 space between wsjtx.exe. and --rig-name=rig2    and rig-namem m...


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