TX LED MW.. Back QRV on 630m Medium wave after some changes now using the IC706 at 475kHz with a mod. For RX a small bandfilter and preamp is improving sensitivity. At TX side also a filter is used made of standard MW IF filters. Then I got the QTX running its optimal power out at 13.8V. about 30W RF It was stable to run WSPR mode 2 minutes TX frames the airecoils heating up a bit loosing some 5-10W The SM-FET did not even show a temperature raise so the efficiency was high approaching 90%. The outside L/C tuning is easy tuning SWR to almost no reflection. Only it had to be done outside at the base of the inverted L 160 antenna. Still a remote tuning is needed or a different approach using toroid autotransformer to keep the tuning stable enough. Na Wat knutselen 2 avonden was de QTX weer in orde En de tuning buiten weer afgesteld SGV 1:1.1 tuner werkte ook nog. Stemt heel mooi af op min SWR max power alleen is het wel lastig om dit buiten te doen. Bij
Ham radio in JO33hg31 53.15N 6.35E