5-December 2014 For the moment the QTX behaves nice at 24V about 4Amps All temperatures in the save zone. No extreme heat losses meaning the efficiency is >80% So RF power should be around 100 The output voltage is 400V tt is about 115V effective and sinus shape at SWR 1: 2.5. The antenna current shows about 30% that is about the maximum i can get here I do not know the real current it is not calibrated but it will be about 2A now. The actual dead toll of IRF540 is 6 now. The last 2 blown up at switching in the 24V The IRF540 specifies 36A and 100V you would think a power supply would melt down first seeing those impressive figures. Possible the power supply 50000uF elco is causing a too high inrush current . ASP as simple as possible this is the simple setup added a 6A meter with 15mV drop using a shunt of Constantaan wire In fact I am almost back to where I started from with all the modifications But L2 was to large here 1
Ham radio in JO33hg31 53.15N 6.35E