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Showing posts from June 19, 2019

DAC 1296MHz activity evening

1700-2100 UTC 23cm activity Strong radar S9 QTF N - NE 1296.860MHz  LA1UHG  JO59FB heard first time this year 20 QSO  G4ASR just out of our DAC time . Should have been more but almost all QSO have to be arranged by KST2ME and the network was very slow responding. The cluster will not help as there are no RBN spots as used on shortwave just a few  are spotting the cluster and almost no UHF ham use LOTW  almost 460km / QSO  very high average DX Now my 23cm transverter front-end is in an aluminium box with better cooling 30W direct at the 1m2 dish with SKY67151 vhf design preamp band pass stayed stable with the strong radar pulses. N1MM logger Program upload needs assistance , N1MM does shut no longer shut down automatic before install of upload. I need to close the instance with the task manager to continue update. On both PC's W10 and this W7-64. Strange enough not mentioned in the update report.


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