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Showing posts from June 19, 2016

IARU 50Mhz

yoshinari ikeda   JH4IUO  cfmd  QSO with email  So 10ele yagi Ɨ 2 35mh  top of a mountain 730m sea level Rig TS-990S+AMP 500W PM64fj Good ES during this contest I could only be active Sunday  the propagation God was very generous  lots of ES signals No EA no G   main antenna direction had to be n-east to s-east 137 QSO best DX JH4IUO PM64jf 8960km My brain rejected to decode JH4IUO   at first I was not expecting JA reply first JA at 6m here this season. I have not been very active at 50MHz  last DX was begin of May. just a few single hop ES and some Aurora contacts  after the 4/5 May FR4 3B9FR opening My antenna is very modest in compare. I have the HF multiband in its summer dress Added 6m elements to form a 5el 6m beam and 40-10m dipole feeded with 1 coax cable to the HF dipole.  And this 5 ele performs real good for its modest size. F/B  fine and good matching.. And the 4m / 70MHz 5 ele o...


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